As a Dentist, Preserving Your Patient’s Tooth and Gum Health Should Top Your List

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When it comes to your patient’s smiles, preserving their tooth and gum health should be on the top of your list. That’s because we now know more with advances in dentistry that the least invasive treatments, whether that involves procedures, surgery or medications, the less trauma there is to the oral tissues being treated. It also means there’s less time for the patient to recuperate and with diminished post-surgery or post-procedure pain, the quicker and more fully your patient’s healing. 

Are traditional dental crowns the answer?

For a long time now, dentists have turned to crowns to restore a tooth suffering from extensive damage. But dental crowns aren’t minimally invasive at all, in fact, they typically result in removing a large area of the tooth while damaging the soft tissues and the subgingival areas below the gum line, acting a lot like hardened plaque (tartar/calculus) which, if left untreated, inevitably leaves the patient with gum disease. A crown also means damage to a tooth’s pulp (where the tooth’s nerves reside). 

What is supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry?

With leading-edge dentistry, dentists can still find less invasive treatment options for their patients suffering from tooth decay. In particular, we now know about the innovative dentistry technique known as Supra-gingival minimally invasive dentistry. This technique offers dental patients a healthier alternative to traditional, highly invasive dental techniques. This new way of treating dental problems results in less injury to their teeth and gums, with far less collateral damage, is quicker to implement with a much faster and complete recovery period. There is also less pain involved, and the long-term outcome is healthier and typically more successful in the end.

This revolutionary style of dentistry involves using the newest materials and techniques out there so that we can make sure restorations like fillings, crowns, veneers and inlays stay above the gum line, protecting the tissue below. No more do we need to drill away large portions of the natural tooth and stay away from the more delicate gum tissue below the gum line.

As a dental practitioner of supra-gingival, minimally-invasive dentistry, your patient will maintain more of their natural tooth structure. This ensures that the tooth remains strong and healthy. As you work on their tooth issues, you’ll reduce the injury to the tooth pulp and gums so they heal faster and with minimal discomfort. Avoiding harm to the oral tissues below the gum line will also help prevent gum disease from entering those areas. As you know, healthy gums mean healthier teeth that don’t need to be treated with root canals later, because there’s little to no damage to a tooth’s nerve.

Call us now to learn more

When it comes to restorative dentistry, applying supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry is undoubtedly the healthiest way to help your patient. If you would like to learn more about our courses, please give us a call at 818-729-9121. Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz and our Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars are pleased to offer continuing dental education in Burbank, California since 2005.