Incorporate the Supra-Gingival, Minimally-Invasive Dentistry Technique in Your Practice for Amazing Results

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Fall is in the air and it’s a great time to take classes that can help bring you closer to your long-term goals. As a dental practitioner looking to advance your dental practice while bettering the health (and in-office experience) of your patients, you can certainly appreciate the value-added by our dental education courses.

Our Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. team can help you with an evidence-based curriculum and a steadfast commitment to research that can teach you how to become more proactive at providing oral health protection to your current patients. As word of mouth spreads, this can create a demand for new patients seeking out your dental skills.

Why What We Teach Stands Out

When it comes to teaching about dental care, our L.A. Institute is the forerunner in teaching students supra-gingival, minimally-invasive dentistry techniques. This is important because the dentistry field continues to advance, understanding that the less invasive the treatments offered, whether medicinal, procedural or surgical services, the more the following concerns apply:

-The less you are to injure the oral tissues being treated
-The less time the patient spends recuperating
-The less time spent in post-surgery or post-procedure pain
-The quicker and more comprehensive your patient’s healing will end up being

The Supra-gingival, Minimally-Invasive Dentistry Experience

Let’s take crowns for example. For ages, dentists have used them as a mainstay for fixing their patient’s badly damaged teeth. Unfortunately, crowns are also one of the most invasive treatments dentists provide. That’s because they involve a great amount of tooth removal and damage the tooth’s nerves (pulp). It also leads to soft tissue damage to the gums from leaving foreign materials under the gum line, irritating the tissue, and making the patient vulnerable to gum disease.

The supra-gingival minimally invasive technique” has been designed to provide a healthier alternative to traditional dentistry with a proven track record using the latest materials and cutting-edge techniques to keep restorations like fillings, crowns, veneers and onlays above the patient’s gum line.

Call or Enroll Online

Using this technique, you can help your patients keep as much of their natural, healthy tooth structure as possible, leading to greater durability in the tooth, so the teeth and gums stay healthier! You can browse our courses, and give us a call at 818-729-9121 with your questions!