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As Featured in Dentistry Today Technique of the Week: Bleaching & Internal Bleaching For Supragingival Dentistry

As Featured in Dentistry Today Technique of the Week: Avoid Polymerization Shrinkage

As Featured in Dentistry Today Technique of the Week: Subgingival Restorative Margins

Dr. Ruiz ADA News Article Review
Dr. Ruiz shares his thoughts on the affects taking x-rays has on patients.

Self Etch vs Total Etch Bonding Systems
Dr. Ruiz discusses the difference between bonding systems and which one he uses in his practice.

Understanding the Importance of Photography
Dr. Ruiz discusses the importance of using dental photography in your practice.

Occlusal Adjustment After Restoration
Dr. Ruiz shares a technique for adjust the occlusion of a single tooth after a restoration

Anesthesia Technique
Dr. Ruiz discusses using a superiosteal technique to improve patients comfort when giving injections

GrandioSO Inlay System
Dr. Ruiz shares a technique for doing high quality direct/indirect restorations in the office.

Mounting Casts
An in-depth clinical video on how to mount casts in your office.

Dr. Ruiz’s Clinical Tip
Dr. Ruiz shares a clinical tip to improve success with class V restorations.

Technique for Anterior Composite Restorations

Cementation of 3 porcelain Onlays

Occlusal adjustment of a single tooth by Dr Ruiz

Team Education – What is Occlusal Disease