Advancements in digital dentistry have revolutionized the field of dentistry itself, especially when it comes to restorative procedures. Among the various applications of digital dentistry, one area that stands out is supra-gingival restorative dentistry. This innovative approach not only offers superior patient outcomes but also holds significant implications for dental education. Understanding Supra-Gingival Restorative Dentistry Supra-gingival restorative dentistry involves performing... read more »
Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz has been teaching dental professionals about the field of supra-gingival dentistry. This revolutionary approach allows dentists to use minimally invasive techniques that are better for their patients' health. Our Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. hosts events all over North, Central, and South America. We currently offer restorative track workshops that could... read more »
At the L.A. Institute of Clinical Dentistry and Ruiz Dental Seminars, we are continuously offering highly regarded ongoing education dental courses at our Burbank, California, location. Our faculty, led by Dr. Jose-Ruiz show dental professionals from all over how to learn the supra-gingival, minimally invasive approach to dentistry. We demonstrate proven techniques that offer predictability for dentists and better health... read more »