Advancements in digital dentistry have revolutionized the field of dentistry itself, especially when it comes to restorative procedures. Among the various applications of digital dentistry, one area that stands out is supra-gingival restorative dentistry. This innovative approach not only offers superior patient outcomes but also holds significant implications for dental education. Understanding Supra-Gingival Restorative Dentistry Supra-gingival restorative dentistry involves performing... read more »
Congratulations! You have made it through another year and 2023 is only just beginning! This is traditionally a time of year when we focus on making resolutions and setting goals to further our progress, and that includes professionally. If you are a dentist or orthodontist, we offer ongoing education classes to streamline your approach in a way that benefits your... read more »
Welcome, from the team at Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. We are excited to offer continuing dental education in Studio City, California teaching supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry to dentists. Our expert educator, Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz, has led the way to educate professionals about supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry. By distilling courses into a practical application... read more »
Our established Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. has been successfully offering continuing dental education courses in Studio City, California, as well as events all over North, Central, and South America since 2005. Our students take a deep dive into the innovative supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry approach during their time with us. These proven techniques... read more »
We are pleased to welcome you to our Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry and Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. Since 2005, we have offered continuing dental education in Studio City, California, as well as other events held in North, Central, and South America. Our specialty is teaching supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry techniques to dentists that are also healthier for patients.... read more »
Are you wanting to learn how to incorporate supra-gingival dentistry using minimally invasive techniques that are healthier for your patients? Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz is the leader in this cutting-edge technique based on solid clinical experience combined with available in-vitro and clinical research. He has published research with Dr. Gordon Christensen, Dr. Rella Christensen, Dr. Werner Finger (inventor of Gluma, iBond,... read more »
The Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. offers new generations of dental instruction. We are excited to provide easy access to modern, scientifically based, hands-on workshops and lectures. Not only do you get the latest information regarding supra-gingival dentistry, but you earn credits as you go. Who is Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz? Our doctor has a... read more »
February is around the corner and so is our course, Porcelain Veneers, PJCs & All-Ceramic Crowns Using Supra-gingival Dentistry. The course will be held from February 17 through February 18. This course will teach you all about porcelain veneers, which can restore your patient's smile beautifully when performed correctly. Not only that but, it does so with only minimal tooth... read more »
December is almost here and that means time to sign up for our December workshop – Porcelain Veneers, PJCs & All-Ceramic Crowns Using Supra-gingival Dentistry – is quickly running out! Before you get ready to celebrate the holidays, you still have time to get this course under your belt and start out the New Year motivated and running strong with... read more »
When it comes to your patient's smiles, preserving their tooth and gum health should be on the top of your list. That's because we now know more with advances in dentistry that the least invasive treatments, whether that involves procedures, surgery or medications, the less trauma there is to the oral tissues being treated. It also means there's less time... read more »
Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz has been teaching dental professionals about the field of supra-gingival dentistry. This revolutionary approach allows dentists to use minimally invasive techniques that are better for their patients' health. Our Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. hosts events all over North, Central, and South America. We currently offer restorative track workshops that could... read more »
If you are looking for continuing education courses to take so you can expand your dental skills, you have come to the right place! At the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc., since 2005, we have been helping dental professionals to do both at our Burbank, CA location, as well as at events spanning North,... read more »
If you are wanting to learn advanced restoration techniques to replace damaged teeth in your patient’s smiles, you have come to the right place! Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz has not only pioneered the field of supra-gingival dentistry, teaching dentists how to use minimally invasive techniques that are better for their patient’s health, but he also teaches these techniques to dentists all... read more »
If you are familiar with the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars, then you may already know of the different continuing education courses we offer dental professionals like yourself. Our well-known researcher, instructor, and practicing clinician, Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz works specifically with an innovative, supra-gingival and minimally invasive dentistry approach in the Burbank, California area. Dr.... read more »
One of the courses we offer at the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. is a "Mastering Diagnosis, Treatment Planning; a Team Approach" workshop. This two-day, hands-on workshop allows you to join other dental professionals seeking to learn as a team how important proper patient diagnosis is to your practice's success and to keep your... read more »
Adhesive dentistry has the power to change your patients' lives as much as it has revolutionized dentistry in the modern world. One of the reasons for this is by using materials that are stronger and more aesthetic than ever before for both direct and indirect partial-coverage with bonded restorations. Your patient receives not only predictable results, but ones that are... read more »
If you are a dental professional and want to learn how to provide healthier dental restorations for your patients, we invite you to learn an innovative technique called supra-gingival dentistry. You will likely benefit from looking into our course, "Porcelain Onlays and Full Crowns Using Supra-Gingival Dentistry". This two-day workshop coming up in April of 2020 will revolutionize how you... read more »
At the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry, we have been teaching dentists around the world our supra-gingival dentistry approach for many years. Led by Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz who pioneered this revolutionary field, this course has taught dentists how to use these minimally invasive treatment techniques to benefit their client's oral health and overall health. If you have completed our... read more »
At the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars, we offer continuing education courses for dental professionals all over the continent. Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz specializes in supra-gingival minimally invasive dentistry techniques in the Burbank, California area. With a background as a dental researcher and university professor, along with being a practicing clinician, Dr. Ruiz can effectively teach... read more »
When it comes to supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry, our team at the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars are pleased to provide continuing dental education for dental professionals all over the America's. One of our workshops, Mastering Diagnosis, Treatment Planning; a Team Approach, helps dental practices and their patients thrive. In our courses, we share our knowledge... read more »
Because of dental anxiety, many people put off seeing their dentist for necessary treatment because they've either had pain from a visit in the past or are afraid that they will incur pain during treatment. This leaves many of them vulnerable to invasive, costly treatment when the problem has gotten bad enough to cause pain that the patient can no... read more »