Are you a dental professional looking for courses in continuing dental education that can benefit your practice and your patients? If so, the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars located in Burbank, California, may be perfect for you. We specialize in offering supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry that will benefit your patients oral and general health and... read more »
At the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry, we have been teaching dentists around the world our supra-gingival dentistry approach for many years. Led by Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz who pioneered this revolutionary field, this course has taught dentists how to use these minimally invasive treatment techniques to benefit their client's oral health and overall health. If you have completed our... read more »
At the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry, we have been teaching dentists around the world our supra-gingival dentistry approach for many years. Led by Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz who pioneered this revolutionary field, this course has taught dentists how to use these minimally invasive treatment techniques to benefit their client's oral health and overall health. If you have completed our... read more »